10 Most Bizarre Archaeological Mysteries




From the scariest dragon claw ever found, to the most mysterious and perplexing pyramids; These are 10 Most BIZARRE Archaeological Mysteries !\r
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10 - Dragon Claw\r
9 - Cleopatras Tomb\r
8 - The Rosetta Stone\r
7 - The Nazca Lines \r
6 - The Dead Sea Scrolls\r
5 - Screaming Mummies\r
4 - The Ark of the Covenant \r
It is said to be a gold encrusted wooden chest which holds within it the stone tablets carved with the Ten commandments brought down by Moses. In ancient times the holy crate was kept inside the First Temple in Jerusalem. After the first temples destruction, which is a mystery of its own, though many point to Nebuchadnezzar the second, the ark disappeared without a trace. The holy relic is rumoured to now dwell within Babylon, others contend the sacred text is hidden away inside a monastery in Ethiopia. One text written in ancient Hebrew proclaims that the Ark of the Covenant will reveal itself upon the return of the Messiah. Oh, but I want it now! Even the Nazis once spent endless resources trying to find this ancient treasure, but, no one knows why, some say an ancient power dwells with the holy box, but again these are all only whispers and rumours as the sacred holding vessel has been Missing In Action for a very long time. \r
3 - The Voynich Manuscript \r
This strange book was one of the most talked about oddities discovered in the 20th century which no one to this day has been able to decipher. The 250-page book written in an unknown alphabet and illustrated with bizarre drawings which include everything from Zodiac symbols, to nudies, to herbal medicinal potion recipes all the way back to mathematical equations can be found at the Yale University Library inside the United States. Many have dismissed the manuscript and claim its a clever hoax full of unintelligible words, but they are just angry because they couldnt figure it out. Many continue to scan the pages in search of cracking the code, one British professor of applied linguistics named Stephen Bax has claimed that he was able to decipher 14 of the Voynich manuscripts crazy looking charers back in new. But as usual, these claims have only led to further furious debates and suspicious speculation. What could be hidden inside this unknown language, is it ancient spells, rituals from a lost race of ancient people, maybe its a cookbook. We may never know, but the mystery is what drives many curious souls deeper into this world where we live but seem to know very little about, especially, it would seem our curious origins. \r
2 - Perplexing Pyramids\r
In Egypt, pyramids can be found all over the sand drenched desert landscape with the biggest being the Great pyramid of Giza. There are several temples in Peru which bare a striking resemblance to the triangular tombs filled with treasure and preserved flesh found in Egyptian deserts. In Mexico, the Pyramid temple of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon are situated beside what is called the Avenue of the Dead. There are Nubian Pyramids, Mayan pyramids in Guatemala, Sudan, China, Rome, resting at the bottom of the ocean floor and some say there are even pyramids on the surface of the moon and on the face of the Red Planet as well. Could these bizarre structures which are filled with hidden passageways, trap doors, mysterious writings in unknown languages, treasure caches and warnings in the form of curses all be connected in some strange mystery which we have yet to decipher?\r
1 - Standing Circles of Stones\r
Stonehenge a massive monument found on the grassy plains of Salisbury England was built thousands upon thousands of years ago and to this day, no one knows why. And even more curious Stonehenge is not the only grouping of these bizarre circles of stones, not by a long shot. There are the Stone Ring of Brodgar which stand on the Orkney isles of Scotland. Another bigger model of stones arranged in a similar fashion can be found in Avebury England. Theres the Drombeg Stone Circle which can be found in County Cork Ireland some call this place the Druids Altar. There are circles of stone in Africa as well, there are approximately one thousand of these large bizarre groupings of standing stones in the region of central Senegal and Gambia. A Stonehenge style monolith was discovered in the deep sea off the coast of Sicily Italy and there are even remnants of another collection of standing stones which were recently unearthed at the bottom of Lake Michigan inside the United States. Could all of these Stonehenge like groupings of stones really be only a coincidence?

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