17 Rare Photos You Wont Believe Exist




Here are 17 of the most unbelievable and craziest photos ever taken like the rare corpse flower and incredible albino animals.\r
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9. Blood Falls\r
What you see here are known as “blood falls,” which were discovered in 1911 by Australian geologist Griffith Taylor. This rare appearance resembles red blood leaking out of a crack in a sheet of solid glacier in Antarctica, but it is ually an outflow of iron oxide mixed with saltwater, which produces this chemical distortion of red color. Most people will never get a glimpse of this shocking phenomena, since most people dont take trips to the ice-cold climates of the worlds southern hemisphere. \r
8. Lenticular Clouds\r
This is a rare image of an incredible lenticular cloud formation hovering over Mount Fuji in Japan. These types of clouds are distinguishable by their lens-shaped patterns that form in the troposphere. Many people mistake these mesmerizing clouds as ufos hovering over towns or mountains.\r
7. Solar Eclipse \r
Solar eclipses are some of the most unique and incredible spectacles to witness in nature. A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking out the sunlight and shrouding the world in darkness. In ancient times, people attributed supernatural causes to solar eclipses and regarded them as bad omens. Now that their scientific explanation makes our understanding clear, they are now just a beautiful sight to see.\r
6. Struck by Lightning\r
While getting struck by lightning here on Earth is quite rare, getting struck while flying a plane happens a little more frequently. While planes, on average, get struck by lightning at least once a year, it is quite rare to snap a photo of it happening in real time. Luckily, planes are built to resist lightning strikes, and before they are ever sent to fly through the air, they are subjected to rigorous lightning tests to make sure they are safe for travel.\r
5. Fallen Tree\r
This is a rare photo of a crooked tree having fallen over from harsh winds, consequently creating a wooden tunnel over this car. Whoever was parked here was extremely lucky, because if it were a normal, straight tree that had toppled over, the car would have been smashed. Crooked trees, or abnormally shaped trees, are a strange phenomena in nature which result in irregular tree growth. One of the largest collection of oddly shaped trees in the world can be found in the Crooked Forest in Poland.\r
4. Moving Stones \r
This is an image of moving stones, also known as sailing stones, in Death Valley. What is most peculiar about these rocks is that they appear to have moved on their own, without human or animal intervention, since no footprints can be found nearby. What geologist think happened is that large sheets of ice, that form during the winter, are broken up during warmer seasons. When strong winds sweep over the desert landscape, they push the broken ice sheets. The ice sheets then collide with these rocks and slowly shove them to locations of up to five meters away. \r
3. Albino Peacock \r
People normally enjoy watching peacocks because of the vast array of vivid colors embroidered on their feathers. But albino peacocks, which are completely white and lacking in color, are just as stunning. Not only are they extremely rare, but they look like swans wearing lavish capes of long, white feathers. Albino peacocks are definitely a wonderful sight to see!\r
2. Victims of Mount Vesuvius\r
This is an image of the victims of ancient Pompeii, who were smothered in ash and smoke when Mount Vesuvius erupted near the Roman city nearly 2000 years ago. The skeletal remains of these vibrant people were preserved, encased in an ashy tomb that perfectly molded the shape and size of their bodies. This is a stunning archaeological find, and it is pretty rare to be able to witness the earthen outlines of human bodies from so long ago. The memories of these exuberant people will forever be preserved in nature.\r
1. WW2 Planes\r
This is a rare image of a Boeing B-17 bomber plane right after its collision with another plane during WW2. Many people are aware of the tragedies and chaos that befell soldiers on the ground during this great war, but fighter and bomber planes had an equally rough time in the air. Often pilots had to endure engine failures, barrages from enemy fighter planes, and sometimes collisions with other flyers. Hopefully, the pilot was able to escape this dreadful situation with his life, but that probably wasnt the case.
