23 Craziest Photos You Wont Believe Arent Photoshopped




From strange cookie cutter societies to a housefly wearing glasses here are 23 photos you wont believe arent photoshopped\r
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12. Hypnotizing Patterns \r
Take a walk down this hall and you might believe that youre beginning to enter a portal to whole different world or even entering a time machine! This was created by artist Felice Varini and the bright white hallway with the hypnotizing circles seems to be enough to make most people confused, and dazed. However as you begin to walk, this is what the hallway looks like but it still seems pretty crazy! \r
11. Ant Invasion\r
The ants in this photo are victorious and climbed to the top of the soda bottle, raising the cap in glory! This photo was captured by the photographer andrey pavlov displaying how strong the ants are and how proud desperate they are to get inside the sugary concoction we call soda. \r
10. Fly as a Housefly\r
We totally understand if you believe that this photo of an insect wearing a cool pair of shades is photoshopped. But guess what? Its not! The fly is ually wearing a 2 millimeter wide pair of a sunglasses that were designed by some people who were too smart and had too much time on their hands! Get this guy a backwards microscopic baseball hat and this fly just became pretty thug! \r
9. Featherless Roosters\r
You might see this photo of two roosters and think yourself! Hey, those roosters look like theyre basically ready to eat! Whos messing around on photoshop again? But no! These two roosters were apart of a genetic experiment to create not only more meat but also, for farmworkers to not have to deal with depluming chickens. However, it turns out that this designer chicken we see in the photo, will more than likely harm the hen with his claws which are more exposed without feathers.\r
8. Jet Black Chicken\r
While messing around on photoshop someone would think its funny to color the whole chicken black and see how many people believed him! Could this be another photoshop prank or is there a really a black chicken out there? Well its on this list so it must be real! This photo shows 3 chickens from Indonesia which must have plenty of dark meat on them. These chickens 2 hens, 1 rooster have been genetically altered with blackbirds creating an unbelievable appearance! Yo have to wonder if this still tastes like chicken!\r
7. The Floating Faucet\r
What appears to be a magical faucet floating around in the sky is a pretty cool art installation thats giving you the illusion that its ually floating. Found in the city of Zurich Switzerland, the stream of water is ually a pipe which has various jets to make you believe it ually works, The plastic plastic pipe is see through and also s as support for the faucet. \r
6. Giant Isopod\r
Would you really be that surprised if we told you this wasnt photoshopped and from a Japanese game show? This image displays a giant isopods were basically really creepy crustaceans at the bottom of the sea, next to an adorable kitty! The image really makes you wonder what the heck is about to happen next! Will the giant isopod eat the kitten live on TV? WE sure hope not! \r
5. Crooked Railroad\r
Surprisingly enough, no one lost their job this day, the railroad in New Zealand became all wavy and crooked after an earthquake! You gotta really hope no train tries to ually take this path! \r
4. The Shepherds Tunnel\r
Youtube might be full of wacky photos meant to fool you but this one and all of this list is bringing you the truth! You can see all of these sheep being guided through a tunnel system in Italy. Theres one guy in the back, on in the front and maybe a few hidden inside the tunnel! Was there really no other way to get these sheep to the slaughterhouse?\r
3. Perfect Society\r
Could there really be a city this well organized and symmetrical somewhere out there in the world? This photo displays cookie cutter houses or apartment buildings in Eastern China which are meant for the rich, upper class. This is called Huaxi Village and many people thought this photo of rows of luxurious living quarters here was ually a hoax!\r
2. Lion on Horse\r
Zoos in China are just a little bit more extreme than here in the US and we see here an ual lion on a horse, riding it around! If you still dont believe us that its not photoshopped, go ahead and look for the video online! The lion is trained for hours a day and this image shows a circus stylethat shocks many people!\r
1. The Dubai Tennis Court\r
Although lots of things in Dubai seem unbelievable and ridiculous, the insane tennis court here that was used for a Nike commercial is all too real! If one of them gets an ace, someone down below might get hit with a tennis ball. Hopefully
