5-17-1 || Treasure Stage || The Fool's Journey || Sword of Convallaria

Aug 11,2024



Terrain : City

Tips : You could kill for the Breaker first "Axe Girl" and the rest of her companions then go for the magician using Barrel to block her "Clone Spell".

In this video, i tried to explain about what I use and what is the function of it. Might as well alternate for it.

Hope it helps!

5-17-1Treasure Stage5-17-1 Stage5-17-1 Sword of ConvallariaTreasure Stage Sword of Convallaria5-17-1 Trap Master Sword of Convallaria5-17-1 SoCSoCSword of ConvallariaPuzzleSword of Convallaria PuzzleSoC PuzzlePuzzle StagePuzzle StagesTresure Stage SoCThe Fool's Journey Treasure Stage5-17-1 The Fool's JourneyThe Fool's Journey 5-17-1