Alien Wreackage and Return of the "Blue Donuts"




I have been watching reviewing and documenting the “Donuts” , “Star Rods” and all the unidentified stars that are all over the WORLD WIDE TELESCOPE.
I urge everyone to please LOOK FOR YOURSELF!!!! Tell me what you think it is and what is going on out there.
The star rods are changing every day. They are growing in length and now look as if they are connecting from one star to another. Like a cross road they are over lapping going from one sector to another. It is awesome to watch them change every day but somewhat disturbing not knowing what they are and what they are doing. Some of the “STAR RODS” are so long in length now that that span from constellation to constellation. I have a few photos that you can see were NASA is fading out the pictures. All the photos of the little stars stated unidentified on the WWT. The obvious large ones located in photos where there is a blue donut are the stars Sirius, Vega, Septa and a new one by 69 Hercules.
