Simple but effective movements to make your body relaxed and supple
Stephanie Martin is a personal trainer, sports teacher and coach.
Stephanie has devised especially for YOU this Stretching programme, to help you to stretch and relax your body, making it more flexible.
Stretching also helps to open up your body and soothe your joints.
There are numerous benefits:
Avoiding compression of the vertebrae caused by age or daily activities Giving more fluidity to your movements Finding more energy Stretching can and should be performed at any age.
In this programme, Stephanie offers you two sessions of 30 minutes each, at the same level, but different and complementary.
Session 1: performed standing up, to work at stretching which requires good balance Session 2: performed on the floor, to relieve you of the weight of your body You can either do the two sessions separately, or one after the other. Listen to your body, and be aware of any new feelings or sensations.