Customer Success Webinar: How to Build Out a Churn Probability Score

Jul 12,2018



ClientSuccess hosts Lukas Quanstrom, CEO & Co-Founder, Ontic and 2017 Customer Success Innovator of the Year Finalist, for this month’s customer success webinar series: Churn Probability Score: How to Recognize Risks and Predict Customer Success.

The webinar covers the topics on how to build and use the Churn Probability Framework to recognize risks and predict customer success. This webinar is relevant to leaders of B2B recurring revenue companies of all types, customers success leaders, and practitioners.

As you build and scale your customer success strategy and team, you have to get better about decreasing guesswork and begin to build models that help predict risk and success with clients. With the ever increasing number of customer signals that come at customer success managers, it’s important to build out a comprehensive risk framework to quickly identify risk and success. Lukas Quanstrom will walk you through how do accomplish that goal and build predictability into your customer success approach.

In this webinar you will learn:

• What is a Churn Probability Score (CPS)
• How to set up and use your own CPS
• How a CPS framework can create predictability toward customer success
• A few real life examples of CPS in action.
• CPS will help you know where you may have risks in your customer accounts
• CPS will help you predict when that risk is going to occur
• CSP will help you develop a plan to manage through that risk
• How to communicate internally and externally to stake holders about risk
• Learn to resolve as much risk as possible, helping you drive toward success

Your Presenter

Lukas Quanstrom, CEO & Co-Founder, Ontic, a SaaS AI platform that helps companies access risk and notifies them of relational events that helps ensure they are on top of risk and acting fast to threats. Lukas Quanstrom is a dynamic speaker and a recognized top customer success strategist and SaaS thought leader.

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