Dennis Rodman shrugs off North Korea criticism




The eccentric ex-NBA player acknowledges that "a lot of people in America don't approve of what I've been doing" but says he does not care

The former US basketball star Dennis Rodman said on Sunday he does not feel snubbed that his latest visit to North Korea has not yet included a meeting with the country's leader, Kim Jong Un.

Rodman is currently in Pyongyang to train local basketball players for an exhibition game he hopes will include former US professionals.

"I came over here to meet the basketball team, to prepare a great game for the Leader for his birthday," Rodman said.

"And people need to understand that it's not important for me to meet him every time I come over because he has another, greater job to do for his country. And I respect that."

Rodman and Kim have struck up an unlikely friendship since the former basketball star travelled to Pyongyang earlier this year for a television special.

He said he is aware of criticism directed at him but does not care.

"A lot of people in America don't approve of what I've been doing. But that's not my problem."

The visit comes less than a week after North Korea announced the execution of Kim's uncle Jang Song Thaek, an unprecedented fall from grace for one of the most powerful figures in the country.

Source: APTN

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