inducing labour at home - inducing labour naturally - home remedies to induce labor



2012-09-10T14:28:55-0400 - inducing labour at home - inducing labour naturally - home remedies to induce labor

Here's just a fraction of what you will discover
inside this book:

Techniques to stimulate onset of labor
contractions to start and to strengthen
contractions during labor when necessary

How to use the maternity acupressure method
to prime your body for labor and delivery

Proven acupressure point combinations that
help you to make better progress in labor

Two simple acupressure techniques that help
a baby in a posterior position turn into an
optimal anterior position for easier birth

Which maternity acupressure techniques which
will help in cases where the cervix is fully
dilated, but it's difficult to push the
baby through the birth canal

A simple technique that will help ease into
the transition phase

inducing labour at home - inducing labour naturally - home remedies to induce labor
