Islamic State 2015: Saudi Arabia arrests 93 ISIS suspects, foils U.S. Embassy attack - TomoNews




Saudi Arabia's interior ministry said on Tuesday that it had arrested 93 people suspected of links to the Islamic State.

One cell, consisting of two Syrians and one Saudi, planned to launch a car bomb attack on the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, but was foiled by Saudi authorities in March.

Another cell included at least 61 Saudis who were allegedly involved in the recruitment of ISIS members through social media and organising training camps within Saudi Arabia.

Last year, instead of urging Saudi followers to travel to Syria or Iraq, the Islamic State called for attacks against Saudi officials, Westerners and Shi'ite Muslims within the kingdom.

On Wednesday, Saudi Arabia's King Salman named his nephew Prince Mohammed bin Nayef as the new crown-prince. The prince is well known for his hardline stance against jihadist militants.

Prince Mohammed bin Nayef has replaced Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz as the next in line to the throne. Prince Muqrin is King Salman's half-brother, who also stepped down from the position of deputy prime minister.


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