"It’s Divine" - Yoga Teacher and Actor Enjoys Shen Yun....




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Shen Yun Performing Arts had a great turnout from members of Sydney's yoga community at the weekend.

[Anastasia Akiltivou, Yoga Teacher]:
"The costumes, the decoration, the performance, everything is excellent."

[Jemma Rivera, Yoga Teacher and Actor]:
"And I just think that the purity and the elegance, and the spiritualism in the work is just stunning. I absolutely love it, it's very graceful and it's divine."

A drama teacher enjoyed the imagination that the show inspired.

[Vanessa Chamas, Drama Teacher]:
"I think people don't get to be taken in to these beautiful imaginative worlds of myths and legends, and the heavens and the divine. You know our lives have become so sort of technology and work and worrying and I think to just have all your senses combined, to be taken on a journey is a beautiful experience for people. So we need more of that."

NTD News, Sydney, Australia


Shen Yun