Lipitor Lawsuit Funding – Crestor Lawsuit Loan



2022-12-22T23:21:48-0500 "Easy Lawsuit Funding" is the leading provider of Lipitor Lawsuit Funding -- Crestor Lawsuit Loan and settlement loans on all other Defective Pharmaceutical Lawsuits, Defective Medical Device Settlements, Personal Injury Settlements, Wrongful Termination Claims, Workers Compensation Settlements & Commercial Litigations.
Product: Lipitor® or Crestor®
Manufacturers: Warner-Lambert Co. (Pfizer) and Astrazeneca
Injuries: Must include Type II Diabetes
• Women ages 50 – 70 who are post-menopausal
• Evidence of drug usage for 6+ months
• Must have used Crestor™ or Lipitor™ brands
Complaint does not need to be filed, but plaintiffs must have been diagnosed with Type II diabetes within 2 1/2 years of use.
How to obtain Lipitor or Crestor Lawsuit Funding:
Process to obtain lawsuit funding is simple, fast and free. There are no upfront fees. There is no credit check and employment is not required. Pay back only if you win your lawsuit.
Would you like to learn more about lawsuit funding? To apply online for lawsuit funding and learn more about the advantages of lawsuit loan and lawsuit funding, please visit our website: