Mundu ne’ebé simu ijiene menstruasaun hanesan parte integral ba saúde mak mundu ne’ebé kapasita feto sira. Ohin loron Embaixada Austrália sente kontente atu sel




Mundu ne’ebé simu ijiene menstruasaun hanesan parte integral ba saúde mak mundu ne’ebé kapasita feto sira. Ohin loron Embaixada Austrália sente kontente atu selebra Loron Internasional ba Ijiene Menstruasaun nian. Ami sente orgullu bele fó apoiu baMarie Stopes Timor-Leste no WaterAid Timor-Leste hodi fó abilidade ba feto foin-sa’e sira atu maneja sira-nia menstruasaun ho efetivu no ho dignidade hodi sira bele kontinua eskola. Maibé, menstruasaun la’os problema feto sira nian de’it. Mai haree mane sira-nia komentáriu bainhira hetan pergunta kona-ba menstruasaun!
A world that accepts menstrual hygiene as an integral part of health is a world that empowers women. Today the Australian Embassy is happy to celebrate International Menstrual Hygiene Day. We are proud to support Marie Stopes Timor-Leste and WaterAid Timor-Leste in their work to provide young girls with the ability to manage their menstruation effectively and with dignity, supporting them to stay in school. However, menstruation isn’t just a woman’s issue. Check out what these guys had to say when asked about it!
