Music Therapy for Pregnancy - Reduces Stress in Pregnant Women in English




Pregnancy is a unique and stressful period for many expectant mothers and they suffer anxiety and depression because of the long time period involved. Providing Music and Raga Therapy for two weeks during pregnancy makes the expectant mother less stressed.
Some of the benefits of music in the labor and delivery suite that complement anesthesia are that is speeds up labor and decreases the amount of pain. The beauty here is that the benefits of the music can be utilized during natural childbirth. Music can help the newborn know that a special event is happening and when the newborn comes into this world the music along with the familiar sound of voices is indeed special.
Raga Yaman is considered to have a positive effect on the baby in the mother's womb as it stimulates all the energy centers of the human body resulting in proper growth of the child in the womb.