Ramona Thompson - I'm Here To Tell My Husband Something




So you cheated
So you wanna leave
Say it's over
But it ain't over
I won't let it be
I won't let you leave me
Not now
Not ever
And certainly not for her, my very own ex!

Once a lesbian
Always a lesbian
That was the promise she swore to me
No way I'm letting you make her break that vow
So just you back off now
We can still stay married
You can still stay sleep around with whoever you want
Just not with my ex girlfriend
Do we have a deal?

I still want this to work
I still want us to work
Don't care how you feel
Don't care what you want
None of that matters
I'm the only important one here
Let's not play stupid by pretending otherwise
I'm made my choice and yours too
Now come home already!

You're mine
I own you
Have ever since that moment when you said, 'I do.'
It's till death do us part
And so just like those vows we said
I'm making you stick to it
For better or for worse

Made up my mind and yours too
There's not gonna be any ifs ands or buts about it
You'll do what I say and you'll like it
Learn to love it even
So just you quit all that pouting and silly man cryin'
And get your sorry butt over here already!
No more hiding
I know you're here
I know you're online on this very website

No need to make this hard
Just come on out and reveal yourself already
Or I'll be forced to take some drastic measures
If you know what I mean.....

2009 Ramona Thompson

Ramona Thompson


Ramona ThompsonIm Here To Tell My Husband Something