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Logotrade on alates 2004 aastast tegutsev reklaamifirma, kelle tegevusvaldkondadeks on reklaamkingituste, reklaamdisaini ja reklaamteenuste pakkumine.
Meie firma missioon on pakkuda oma klientidele kõige suuremat ja uuemat tootevalikut ning arvestades kliendi eripära, pakkuda ka individuaalseid erilahendusi.
Oma töös peame oluliseks võimalikult heade ja isikupäraste lahenduste pakkumist klientidele. Kõige tähtsam on see, et meie poolt pakutud teenus ja toode täidaks etteantud ülesande.

Meie trumbiks on see, et kliendil on võimalus kõik teenused tellida ühest kohast, mis tagab maksimaalse mugavuse ja kiireima ning professionaalseima teeninduse.

Logotrade kogenud meeskond koosneb oma ala parimatest spetsialistidest, kelle käsutuses on kvaliteetseim tehnika. Meie töö on meile ühtlasi ka hobi, mis tähendab, et iga projekti sisse läheb ka natuke meie hinge.

Launching its operations in 2004, Logotrade is an advertising company whose main areas of activity are advertising gifts, advertising design and advertising services.
Our mission is to provide the largest and most modern range of products available and to offer specialised individual solutions based on the unique nature of each of our clients.
What we consider important in our work is coming up with solutions that are as good and distinctive as they can possibly be. Most important is that the products and services we offer fulfil the tasks they set out to.
The advantage of working with us is that clients are able to order all the services they need from one place, ensuring maximum convenience and the fastest and most professional service.
Logotrade’s very experienced team is made up of the most reliable specialists in the field, with the highest quality technology at their disposal. Our work is also our hobby, which means that we put a bit of ourselves into every project we undertake.