Rubber Band Powered Boat




Hey granddad? Can you make a boat propeller powered by rubber bands???\r
Hey grandad can you make a rubber band powered boat??? Thank you!!!\r
The materials: blade,rubber bands,polistirine,and any thing else.\r
Hey grandad can you make a rubber band powered boat propeller and have 2? Or if you like just 1.\r
Hey grandad can you please make a rubber band powered boat propeller under water?\r
Hey grandad can you make a boat that has a propeller thats powered by rubber bands??? Please!\r
If you have a question it is probably worth reading this video description first because the answer may already be here. To help you find my videos I made two search guides or or checkout my playlists page \r
Main components\r
Polystyrene packaging\r
Wooden stick from firework rocket\r
Plastic propeller bearing from toy plane\r
Plastic propeller from helicopter toy\r
Paper clip\r
Rubber bands\r
Lead weight for ballast\r
Main Tools\r
Hot Glue Gun\r
Sharp hobby knife\r
Filmed using FujiFilm FinePix S4800\r
Edited using Serif MoviePlus Starter Edition\r
I have had a question about the propeller I used. As mentioned above in the component list it comes from a toy helicopter but here is my playlist of projects that include making the propeller as part of the project Making Propellers playlist \r
and here is my video showing typical bargain store items you can get propellers from \r
Here is the answer to another question for more detail. The propeller shaft 00:34 is a paperclip and it is in a plastic assembly 00:57 taken from an old rubber band powered plane that slides over the end of the wooden stick 01:12 At the other end the paperclip is glued to the wooden stick. I use hot glue and that holds the paperclip in place on the stick fine but you could drill a hole if you want however that might weaken the wood and make it split. You could hold it in place by wrapping cotton round it and then add some glue on top of that. If you dont have the plastic assembly for the propeller bearing you could make one from some plastic tubing and more paperclips like I do in this project or maybe just bend a piece of metal cut from a tin as shown in this project I found on the web \r
Here is a selection of related playlists\r
Toy Boats playlist \r
Rubber Band Powered Boats \r
Rubber Band Power playlist \r
Rubber Band Power Cars \r
Rubber Band Power Car #8 \r
Rubber Band Power Car Back to Basics \r
RBPC for Snowman plays247 \r
Brakes on Rubber Band Cars playlist \r
Carrying Dropping Pushing Pulling Stopping playlist \r
Rubber Band Power Planes \r
Rubber Band Plane Prop Assembly Demo playlist \r
Rubber Band Wikipedia \r
Size 64 rubber band measure 3 1/2x 1/4x 1/32 or 89mm x 6mm\r
Other Peoples Rubber Band Cars \r
I have thousands of videos on YouTube covering a wide range of subjects. To find them follow my search guides or or see my playlists page \r
Generally my projects are for my grandchildren to enjoy. OK, I enjoy them too. If anybody else likes them, that is a bonus. I like to keep my work as simple and basic as possible so that it can be copied easily and improved by anybody who wants to try themselves. I recycle or repurpose items rather than buy new and when I do buy I like to keep it cheap.\r
