Srinivas Krishna - Jealousy




They are jealous
With envy and ills on us
Its easy to find out
As they act different and freak out

Fears your growth
To stop you, they take an oath
Fears you will overshadow them
Doesn't want you become a gem

They are a sort of human kind
and starts to play with your mind
Tease you with words and tricks
won't stop even your mind pricks

Taunts with false praises
and holds with ill embraces
Tries to control you being harsh
Advises to dump you in marsh

Reasons their acts with cold logic
soon identified as illogical magic
Plans each moment for a strike
and can't bear whatever you like

May plan to trap
God! please save us from this brutal zap
Envy for what you got
might give their life for a treacherous plot

For all those, if you fall for
Now and future is for sore
They control your future and mind
and only lost in past is left to remind

Be bold to face and move ahead
Never ever for what they say, turn your head
Focus your future ahead
or else bear until they shed

Srinivas Krishna

Srinivas KrishnaJealousy