Top 10 highlights from Apple’s keynote: iPhone 6 release date, Apple Watch and ApplePay




It’s that time again, when consumers look down at their last-season Apple product like a bad dog wishing it would just die to justify buying the new puppy in the window.

If you missed Apple’s keynote address, we’ve got you covered with the Top 10 takeaways.

1: Apple joined the bigger is better party with a 4.7-inch curved screen on the iPhone 6 and a 5.5-inch screen on the iPhone 6 plus.

2: The iPhone 6 packs a faster processor as well as an additional motion co-processor that senses change in elevation.

3: Apple’s iPhone 6 will come with Apple Pay, a near-field communication function to make payments with your phone. Although Google wallet has been available on Android for several years, mobile payments have failed to gain traction among the masses. Apple hopes to change that.

4: Tim Cook announced a slew of retail chains will be equipped with NFC compatible checkouts.

5: Jony Ive revealed what he’s been working on while locked away in that white box of his. At number five: We got our first look at the Apple Watch, which shocked the world by not being called iWatch.

6: The Apple Watch will allow wearers to tap each other and even share a heartbeat to communicate.

7: Emoticons are getting a custom touch with the ability to mold unique expressions to convey feelings.

8: New health apps will help users count calories, track exercise and remind you to stand up every once in a while.

9: Some dude wearing a purple scarf stole the show while showing off iOS8’s gaming engine.

Almost immediately, parody Twitter accounts were opened and the #scarfguy hashtag was born.

10: U2 announced that they are giving away their new album Songs of Innocence to the half-billion iTunes users around the world.

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus will be released on September 19. The Apple Watch is scheduled for release early next year.


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