Tutorial For How To Quickly Unlock All Playable Characters In Super Smash Bros. For Wii U




This video provides a Tutorial For How To Quickly Unlock All Playable Characters In Super Smash Bros. For Wii U. As mentioned in the video, you can unlock Falco, Wario, Lucina, Dark Pit, Dr. Mario, R.O.B, Mr. Game & Watch, And Duck Hunt by entering the smash mode (also known as VS mode); running off the edge as Sonic The Hedgehog for at least 100 matches to prompt all the matches against the unlockable "hidden characters" and defeating all the unlockable "hidden Nintendo characters" as they challenge you in order to unlock them. Essentially, in order to expedite the process, you will need to win 8 matches against the hidden characters (1 match against each hidden character as they first appear) in conjunction with running off the ledge as Sonic the HedgeHog or another fast character for 93 smash mode matches, excluding the challenge matches when the hidden characters first appear. You can alternatively win all 101 matches in the Smash mode if you are not at ease with deliberately losing the majority of matches to be able to draw forth the challenge matches that allow you to unlock hidden playable character. As also relayed in the video, Mewtwo can apparently be unlocked by both registering your Super Smash Bros. For Wii U code and registering your Super Smash Bros. For 3DS code on the Club Nintendo website.
