



Bob Ullman 603-888-7788
I wanted to start out today by offering a prayer to the people in the Philippines after they have been hit by a powerful Typhoon. I hope that things get back to normal as soon as possible and wish pray for the souls of those that passed on.
Today is Saturday in South Florida and I ramble a bit in this video. I speak about the power that certain books have had on me, “Think and Grow Rich”, “The Magic of Believing”, and “It works”. I have learned to use visualization and auto suggestion as a daily apart of my life and am convinced that all of my dreams are coming true. In fact i am watching that happen as I get ready to move right into a beachfront condo in about 10 days.
We all have the power to Be, Do and Have anything we want and we have been doing that all along whether we are aware of it or not. Think about good things and they will happen, Thing about negative stuff and that will happen. That's the way it works and we should all learn to take control of our lives and work in conjunction with the Universe to make life better for us and the rest of the world. Have a great day today

VisualizationNapoleon HillThe Magic of BelievingThink and Grow Rich